biology and chemistry education, computerization, digital technologies, information and communication technologies (ICT), future professionals’ preparationAbstract
Information stage of modern society’s development emphasizes the relevance of the chosen topic. The purpose of the article is to investigate the application of digital technologies as a means to enhance the quality of learning in the study of chemistry and biology. The research employs methods such as analysis of psycho-pedagogical, scientific, and educational literature, as well as observation. The article examines digital technologies used in the study of chemistry and biology, their role in the professional preparation of future chemistry and biology teachers, and the practical aspect of using new information technologies in the educational process. Optimal conditions for implementing the methodology of computer application in the system of professional and methodological training are considered. The information and communication content of the educational process enhances the role of natural science education, shaping students’ comprehensive scientific understanding of the surrounding world. Digital technologies in the study of chemistry and biology open up new technological possibilities for learning and have numerous advantages in organizing the educational process. The integration of ICT into modern education significantly accelerates the transfer of knowledge and accumulated technological and social experience not only from generation to generation but also from one individual to another. Modern ICT, by improving the quality of learning and education, enables individuals to adapt more successfully and quickly to the environment and social changes. This provides everyone with the opportunity to acquire necessary knowledge both today and in the post-industrial society. The active and effective implementation of these technologies in education is a crucial factor in creating a new education system that meets the requirements of the Information Society and the process of modernizing the traditional education system.
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