military education, military engineering training, martial law, modernization, specialists of military engineering troopsAbstract
The introduction of high-tech technologies to the military and industrial complex and the modernization of the Armed Forces of Ukraine according to NATO standards are accompanied by the reorganization of military education. This fact has exacerbated personnel issues. The need for highly competent specialists in military engineering has increased since it is necessary to create and maintain a new generation of equipment to fight against the Russian army effectively. In this regard, the article actualizes the issues concerning the need to modernize the professional training of future specialists in military engineering under martial law. The study was conducted by analyzing the studies of Ukrainian scholars concerning the problems of training cadets for professional military engineering activities. It has been established that the effectiveness of training future specialists in military engineering troops depends on the level of cadets' mastery of the theory and practice of organizing and performing engineering support tasks for service and fighting activities. The author outlines the directions for modernizing the training system for future specialists in military engineering. They include the formation of an effective system of military education management, improvement of educational process quality, provision of a network and capacity of military educational institutions based on the parameters of the personnel request, improvement of the regulatory framework for the military education system, introduction of innovative technologies and the search for adequate forms and methods of teaching cadets. The prospects for further research include the substantiation of the expediency of modernizing the professional training of future specialists in military engineering by using innovative information technologies, as well as the use of cutting-edge technologies in the organization and methodology of teaching engineering cadets. Within the framework of such training, cadets, by using artificial intelligence, acquire knowledge, skills, and abilities, as well as make decisions promptly in a simulated battlefield scenario.
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