


reproduction, biodiversity, afforestation, artificial and natural forest restoration


Reproduction of forests is an integral part of Zvirivske Forestry’s activities aimed at preserving the unique natural wealth. Forests not only provide the necessary balance of ecosystems, but also shelter many species of flora and fauna that form biodiversity. The aim of the study is to investigate the processes of forest reproduction in Zviriv forestry as a key element of biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. The main aspects of forest restoration and biodiversity conservation include the characterization of reforestation methods, the impact of anthropogenic and natural factors on forest ecosystems, and the determination of the effectiveness of forest conservation and restoration measures. To study forest reproduction in Zvirivske forestry, we analyzed the state of forest areas, including: 1) inventory of areas in need of reforestation, including areas, soil conditions soils, availability of mother trees for natural regeneration; 2) study of restoration methods, such as natural and artificial regeneration, with an assessment of their effectiveness; 3) monitoring of conditions for reforestation, including climatic and economic factors affecting forest regeneration; 4) calculating the needs for planting material required for forest crops and supplementing existing plantations. The research was conducted in the period from 2020 to 2024. For the first time, we studied and systematized the processes of forest reproduction in Zviriv forestry. The work used modern methods of analyzing environmental conditions, including assessing the effectiveness of natural and artificial forest restoration. Particular attention was paid to the analysis of areas requiring reforestation measures, with the distribution of areas for natural regeneration and artificial planting. For the first time, forest crops were systematized depending on soil conditions, ecosystem type, and adaptive potential of seedlings. The results of the study indicate that Zvirivske Forestry applies environmentally sound approaches to forest reproduction without using chemicals, preserving natural balance and contributing to the increase of biodiversity. This allows for effective restoration of forest cover, ensuring the sustainability of ecosystems and achieving the strategic goals of sustainable development of the region. Forest reproduction in Zvirivske Forestry demonstrates an integrated approach to restoring and maintaining forest ecosystems, taking into account environmental, economic and strategic factors.


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How to Cite

SAVCHUK Л., & SHULYPA Р. (2024). ARTIFICIAL AND NATURAL REFORESTATION IN THE ZVIRIV FORESTRY. Problems of Chemistry and Sustainable Development, (4), 93–98.