intercultural communication, socio-communication competence, journalism, professional training, multicultural environment, educational programsAbstract
The purpose of the article is to study the impact of intercultural communication on the development of social and communication competence of journalism students in the process of their professional training. In today’s globalised society, the ability to interact effectively with representatives of different cultures is becoming a key component of successful journalism. Social and communication competence allows journalism students to create quality content adapted to the needs of different audiences, avoid intercultural conflicts and create a positive image of the media. The research methodology is based on an interdisciplinary approach, which includes an analysis of the theoretical provisions of intercultural communication, a comparison of existing models of social and communication competence development in curricula, and an empirical study of the practices of integrating intercultural communication into the educational process of journalism students. The methods used in the study were content analysis, survey and observation. The scientific novelty of the work is to identify the main factors that influence the development of students’ social and communication competence in the process of their interaction with representatives of other cultures and to substantiate the importance of integrating intercultural communication into journalism curricula. The analysis of existing studies shows that insufficient attention is paid to the practical implementation of intercultural aspects in the training of journalists, which makes it important to develop new approaches to the formation of the necessary competences. The article examines key aspects of intercultural communication, such as adaptation to a multicultural environment, consideration of language and cultural barriers, use of modern technologies in communication processes, and approaches to assessing the level of social and communication competence. Examples of successful practices of integrating intercultural communication into the educational process, including through intercultural projects, trainings, and the use of social media, are provided. The conclusions emphasise that the formation of socio-communication competence is a multidimensional process that requires the systematic integration of intercultural communication into journalism curricula. The results of the study may be useful for teachers, students, and practitioners seeking to improve the effectiveness of intercultural interaction in a professional environment.
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