


water quality, hydrochemical regime, environmental index


The problem of assessing the quality of surface water in Ukraine is particularly acute due to the lack of quality drinking water in the regions. The Psel River is cross-border, its catchment area within Ukraine is 72% of the total. The paper evaluates the hydrochemical state of the Psel River waters. It is established that the river waters are used for various needs, including drinking water supply. The main anthropogenic source of water pollution in the Psel River is the “Khimprom” industrial association, which is located in Sumy. In general, the issue of ecological assessment of water quality in the Psel River is the subject of research by many authors. Observation data at stationary posts of the Hydrometeorological Service and the State Agency of Water Resources of Ukraine for 1990-2018 were used as initial data. To assess the hydrochemical regime of the Psel River, the method of ecological assessment of the quality of surface waters of the land and estuaries of Ukraine was applied, taking into account three groups of indicators: according to the criteria of salt composition; according to tropho-saprobiological (ecological and sanitary) criteria; according to the criteria of content of specific substances of toxic and radiation action. The main indicator of the assessment is the environmental index. It is obtained that the water quality of the Psel River according to the average values of the ecological index is characterized by class III, category 4. The water quality class according to their condition is characterized as “satisfactory”, the water quality category – “satisfactory”. According to the degree of purity, the water quality class is characterized as “polluted”, the quality category – “slightly polluted”. This state of the studied water body is due to a significant anthropogenic load, namely the extraction of iron ore within the river basin. For the use of water for drinking and fishery purposes, preliminary measures for wastewater treatment are required.


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How to Cite

PYLYPIUK В., & KOLISNYK А. (2022). ASSESSMENT OF THE PSEL RIVER HYDROCHEMICAL STATE. Problems of Chemistry and Sustainable Development, (4), 46–51.