


green plantations, tracts, parks, public garden, boulevard, city gardens, recreation, SMART criteria


In the article there was done analysis of the state of green plantations in the city of Rivne which are divided into objects of common use, such as parks, city and public gardens, boulevards along the streets, pedestrian roads; areas of limited use which include territories near housing space, children’s institutions, schools, higher educational establishments, sports grounds, medical institutions, industrial areas, storehouses; areas of special purpose including plantations along highways and streets, water and wind protection zones, antierosion plantations, cemetry plantations, arboreta, sanitary protections of enterprise areas. The most attractive one among six parks in the city is Taras Shevchenko Park, the area of which is 32 ha, green plantations are represented there by 160 species, 64 of them are introductive. All the other parks covering the area from 6 to 37ha are represented by monoaged thin plantations. Some of them are located in groups. Among middle-sized cities Rivne is characterized by small area of green plantations and has 22,9m of them per person, through Lutsk has 28,8 m per person, Ivano-Frankivsk – 47,9m. In order to improve ecological state of Rivne it is recommended to extend the area of green tracts and plantations planting trees, bushes in water protection zones of water objects, territories of educational establishments and newly-built housing spaces, which will correspond to the criteria of SMART, up to 29,0m per person. First of all, the proposed recommendations meet the criteria, namely: specificity (approximation of the area of green areas and plantations to the maximum possible); measurability (it is planned to extend the area of green areas and plantations by 150 hectares); reachability (availability of areas for planting trees in the city); expediency (will help reduce the prevalence of diseases among population); certainty in time (annual actions within the years 2021-2026).


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How to Cite

КЛИМЕНКО, Л. (2022). THE STATE OF RECREATION AREAS OF RIVNE. Problems of Chemistry and Sustainable Development, (1), 18–24.