diseases, monitoring, ecological safety, risk, threat, danger, presence of pollutants.Abstract
According to the research the most widely spread diseases among inhabitants of Rivne region during the last years are diseases of blood circulation system (from 3928 to 5990), breathing organs (from 1936 to 5111), digestion organs (from 753 to 2451) and neoplasms, from 175 to 495 occurrences per 10000 persons. The index of children’s under a year of life mortality fluctuating from 6.0 to 12.9 in the districts is reduced and makes 5.3 in 2020 comparing with 8.51 in 2015. Besides, in the structure of mortality reasons of new-born children there are states that appear during parental period, that is 52.9 percent, and innate defects of the development and chromosome anomalies make 25.3 percent of children’s death. It is ascertained that differentiation of disease spreading among region population is caused by ecological factors, such as air pollution by harmful substances, small forest areas in forest and steppe districts, consumption by people food of bad quality polluted by radionuclides, fresh water that does not correspond to the standards and coming of gas radon into apartments. It is recommended to show the standards of indices of anthropocentrical component on the scale from 0 to 1 using dependencies that look like falling down parabolas of the second order, and the state of ecological safety should be determined according to the following scale: ecologically safe from 1 to 0.6835, ecologically risky from 0.6835 to 0.4851, ecologically threatening from 0.4851 to 0.1902, ecologically dangerous from 0.1902 to 0. As for the spreading of diseases the districts of the region are estimated by the following categories: breathing organs diseases – 2 of risk (0.54), 12 – threats (0.20-0.35), 2 – danger (0.13-0.18); digestion organs – 2 danger (0.7-0.78), 12 – risk (0.49-0.67), 2 – threats (0.43-0.46); blood circulation system – 16 threats (0.20-0.43); neoplasms: 2 – danger (0.72-0.73), 13 – risk (0.51-0.65), 1 – threats (0.35). As for the mortality of children under a year of life, born alive, the districts are estimated by the following categories: 1 – safety (0.74), 7 – risk (0.49-0.60), 8 – threats (0.29-0.46). As for integral index of the level of ecological safety of the anthropocentrical component of agrosphere, the territory of the region is estimated by the following categories: in the zone of Polissya 1 district – risk (0.53), 6 – threats (0.42-0.48); in the zone of forest and steppe 1 district – risk (0.56), 8 – threats (0.39-0.48). Thus, it is obvious that a high level of diseases of breathing and digestion organs, system of blood circulation, neoplasms and children under a year of life mortality still remains a significant, medical and biological, socio-economic, ecological problem, both of the districts and the whole of the region. Destructive ecological factors and, first of all, presence of pollutants in the air, consumption of bad quality fresh water, foodstuffs containing radionuclides, coming of gas radon into apartments play a considerable role in the spreading diseases among population.
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