hydromorphological features, irrigation, hydrochemical indicators, assessment.Abstract
The Chichikliya River is a natural regulator of the water balance of the hydrological system in the composition of surface water bodies, underground water horizons, and soils. The basin area of the river is characterized by a high level of agricultural transformation. Publications on the morphological, geological, hydrological and hydroecological features of the Chichikliya River are limited. The paper presents the results of the study of the hydromorphological characteristics of the Chichikliya River and the current hydrochemical state of the waters. An assessment of the suitability of the river waters for irrigation purposes was carried out. The starting materials of the work are the results of own research carried out in 2020-2022, cartographic materials. Field studies were carried out in different seasons under different water regimes of the watercourse. It was found that the hydromorphological state of the river bed and floodplain is characterized by spatial-local and seasonal unevenness. The waters of the Chichikliya River differ in the changing conditions of the distribution of hydrochemical indicators by season and space. Thus, high levels of hardness, excessive turbidity and a significant content of suspended substances are noted. This indicates extremely high volumes of runoff enriched with organic matter and detritus, containing the main biogenic substances. There is an increased presence of nitrates and phosphorus compounds, the level of which increases precisely during floods. According to the results of hydrochemical observations, the exceedance of the MPC was noted for indicators of mineralization, the content of sulfates, potassium, magnesium and phosphates mainly in November 2020. According to the revealed spatial dynamics of the drop in the height of the river and changes in the hydrochemical parameters of the waters in different sections of the Chichikliya River, it is conditionally divided into 4 sections. Assessment of the suitability of river waters for irrigation based on the content of sodium, calcium and magnesium salts indicates the possibility of their appropriate targeted use. In modern conditions, the Chichikliya River performs the role of a natural regulator of moisture accumulation and redistribution and provides the drinking needs of the population.
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