pedagogical activity, professional and pedagogical culture, personality of the teacher, pedagogical creativityAbstract
The article reveals the theoretical aspects of the formation of a teacher's professional and pedagogical culture which is the main condition for the successful training of a future specialist. The components of professional and pedagogical culture are defined, namely scientific knowledge, erudition, professional ethics, communicative culture, professional competence, pedagogical skill, pedagogical technique, positive personal qualities (spiritual wealth, humanism, justice, tolerance, openness, optimism, striving for self-improvement), aesthetic culture, positive image. Professional-pedagogical culture is revealed in the context of the socio-pedagogical phenomenon and is considered as an integrated unity of such structural components of the teacher's personality as axeological, technological and personal-creative. The axeological component is a set of pedagogical values as norms that regulate the teacher's professional and pedagogical activity; this aggregate has a holistic character and acts as a cognitive-active system that determines the relationship between the views on the problems of professional education and the professional and pedagogical activity of the teacher of the educational institution. The technological component includes methods and techniques of pedagogical activity which is technological in nature. The technology of the teacher's professional and pedagogical culture is considered as a process of solving various pedagogical tasks: analytical-reflective, constructive-prognostic, organizational-active, evaluativeinformational, corrective-regulatory. The personal-creative component is a mechanism for mastering professional and pedagogical culture and its implementation in the creative process. The study found that the formation of professional and pedagogical culture will be successful when using various types of work that are performed with students.
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