


Western Bug, Narew, Vistula, transboundary river, chemical composition of water, ion flow


The purpose of this publication is to characterize the chemical composition of water (by main ions and mineralization), as well as the ionic runoff of the Western Bug, Narew, and Vistula rivers (the territory of Poland and Ukraine). Data from the monitoring of hydrometeorological organizations of the State Service of Ukraine for emergency situations at hydrological stations on the Western Bug River (1971-2019), materials of the Basin Management of Water Resources of the Western Bug Rivers of the State Water Agency of Ukraine, publications of domestic and Polish scientists were used. Applied methods of statistical processing of data of observed series, method of calculation of ion flow. The ionic composition of the basin’s river waters is genetically related to poorly soluble carbonate rocks lying on its catchment. Correspondingly, HСО3 - and Са2+ ions prevail in water in all seasons of the year. The waters of the Vistula basin belong to the hydrocarbonate class of the type II calcium group. According to the parameters of the salt block, the water in Western Bug mainly belongs to 1-2 categories of I and II quality classes and is characterized as «excellent», «very good» water. But the integral indicator of the environmental condition of the Western Bug river indicates that the water in the river belongs to the 4th category, III class «satisfactory» in terms of condition and «moderately polluted» in terms of purity. It was established that the average mineralization of river water is: Western Bug – 539 mg/dm3; Fever – 379 mg/ dm3; Vistula – 449 mg/dm3. The calculated total ion flow of three rivers is n∙103 t per year: Western Bug – 2587; Narev – 4025; Vistula – 13827 (to the Baltic Sea). The obtained indicator of ion flow (t/km2/year): Western Bug – 65.5; Narev – 52.4; Vistula – 76.0. The share of the ion flow of the Western Bug in the ion flow of Narev is 64%, in the ion flow of the Vistula – 19%. The share of the Narew ion flow in the Vistula ion flow is 19 %. The novelty of the research lies in the complex approach to the study of the hydrochemical conditions of three rivers – Western Bug, Narev, and Vistula, since before this, in Ukrainian scientific literature, as a rule, the section of the Western Bug was considered on the territory of Ukraine.


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Vistula river map.png. URL: river_map.png.

