microclimate, natural and anthropogenic factors of microclimate formation, air temperature and humidity, measurement, wind, green zones, microclimatic zoning, global climate changes, LutskAbstract
The purpose of the scientific work is study of microclimatic conditions within the city of Lutsk. The role of the microclimate as an important component of the effective functioning of the territories, in particular the existence of the population in conditions of global warming, is substantiated. The history of the formation of climatological research within the city of Lutsk, whose origins go back to the end of the 19th century, is traced, but the prerequisites for the formation of the microclimate itself were not considered. The methodical features of the organization and conducting of route meteorological observations have been determined. Microclimatic observations were carried out along the developed directions, running from the city center to its outskirts, during different seasons. The influence of natural and anthropogenic preconditions on the formation of the microclimate of the city of Lutsk is taken into account. Differences in the manifestation of temperature, humidity and wind strength during the passage of each of the radial routes were revealed. The highest temperature indicators were recorded within urban areas of man-made nature, covered with artificial surfaces, densely built-up, exposed to traffic, the situation is aggravated by the lack of water bodies and green spaces within them. The prospects for regulating microclimatic conditions within the scope of the study were analyzed. The need to introduce measures to optimize the microclimate, such as reducing the traffic load and carrying out landscaping, is substantiated. Microclimatic zones are distinguished within the city according to the nature of the manifestation of the prevailing parameters of the microclimate, among which "heat islands", "heat bands", transition zones, coolness zones are clearly distinguished. It was established that there is a need to improve the combination of microclimatic and functional zones. In particular, settlement zones must border green areas, which happens extremely rarely. It is suggested that the obtained results be taken into account in the course of spatial planning of the city of Lutsk in order to create optimal living conditions and activities of the population.
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