



united territorial community, ecological state, environmental problems, ways of solving environmental problems, sustainable development


The purpose of the article is to study the current ecological state of the Volodymyr-Volynska city territorial community, the factors influencing its formation, to identify the environmental problems of the territory, to analyse the prospects for their solution and to improve the ecological state of the community. The methodological basis for the research is the concept of sustainable development, substantiated by G. Daly, and the methodology of regional sustainable development policy proposed by Z. Gerasymchuk. The methodology of the work involved a combination of three stages: theoretical and generalising, evaluative andanalytical, summary and recommendation stages. The scientific novelty of the article is ensured by the results of a substantiated comprehensive analysis of the current ecological state of the Volodymyr-Volynska city territorial community, the factors of its formation, the identification of environmental problems of the territory and the development of ways to solve them. Conclusions. The most important environmental problems of the Volodymyr- Volynska territorial community are: pollution of surface waters of the community, poor condition of the banks and channel of the Luha River, noncompliance with the regime of water protection zones, inefficient structure of land use, exceeding the permissible level of ploughing, inefficient use of drained land in the community, insufficient number and area of protected areas and territories, the need to develop an ecological network, a number of unresolved issues of solid waste management. The following solutions to the identified environmental problems are proposed: reduction of surface water pollution, improvement of the hydrological regime of rivers, clearing of riverbeds, strengthening of banks, compliance with water protection legislation on coastal protection zones, optimisation of the structure of agricultural land use, inventory of drainage systems, increase of protected areas, development of an effective waste management programme.


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