


sacral spring, function, landscape-sacral tourist attraction, measures for the protection and preservation of sacral springs


The purpose of the article is to develop and substantiate measures of rational use and protection of sacral water springs. The work uses a transdisciplinary approach, which provides scientific search within the sacral landscape science using methodological and methodological approaches of other disciplines, as well as methods: structural-logical generalization and systematic analysis, induction and deduction, generalization of scientific sources. The scientific novelty of the study is that the first to formulate the term landscape-sacral tourist attraction (natural or natural-anthropogenic complex, which has a special scientific, historical, cultural, aesthetic and cognitive significance as spring, cave, rock, etc.) and the expediency of introducing this type of monuments into the nature reserve fund of Ukraine is substantiated. System classification of functions of sacral springs was carried out. Their division into two groups is substantiated: social (providing drinking needs, tourist and recreational appeal, providing spiritual needs, historical and cultural, therapeutic), natural (hydrological, hydrogeological, ecological). The analysis of regulatory documents that ensure the protection and preservation of sacral springs was carried out. The vast majority of sacral springs do not have the status of security objects/territories, which certifies the need to improve the legal basis for their functioning. A system of leading measures of rational use and protection of sacred springs, which can be used at regional and state levels, has been developed.


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