


sapropel, therapeutic mud, peloid, lake sediments, Volyn region


The article examines the physical and mechanical properties of sapropel deposits of lakes as the main prerequisite for their sanatorium-resort use. The main indicators that are decisive in the implementation of medical and health procedures were evaluated: humidity, ash content, granulometric composition, plastic-viscous properties, specific heat capacity, reaction of the environment, redox potential. According to the results of the conducted scientific generalizations, it was found that the sapropel mud of the Volyn lakes with a content of organic substances over 50.0% is mostly homogeneous, odorless, retains good plasticity, stickiness and has high specific heat values. In particular, the natural humidity of lake sediments is in the range of 55.0–96.0%; clogging with particles with a diameter of more than 0.25×10-3 m does not exceed 2.0%; WFP reaches 85.53%; specific gravity ranges from 1.0294 kg/dm3 to 1.0859 kg/dm3; the shear stress varies within 102–776 Pa, and the stickiness is not lower than 518.38 Pa; heat capacity reaches 4.02 kJ/(kg×K); the reaction of the environment varies from weakly alkaline to weakly acidic (pH – 8.49–4.70); redox potential – reducing (from -15 mV to -80 mV); organic carbon is present in amounts from 4.88% to 43.56% on dry matter. The results of the study confirm the possibility of using sapropel in the sanatorium-resort, recreational and cosmetic spheres. Bringing sapropel from the Volyn lakes to medical and health recreation is a promising direction of recreational nature use, which will provide opportunities to expand the use of medicinal drugs of natural origin, diversify the range of services in sanatoriums and spa facilities, and will contribute to the inflow of investments into the recreational sphere of the region. Further research on sapropel mud is associated with the preparation and implementation of the state target program for the modernization of the infrastructure of the sanatorium-resort complex of the region, with the creation of an integrated management system for the use of natural resources, stabilization and improvement of the ecological state of the surrounding natural environment, as well as the organization of monitoring on the territory of resorts and projects of natural medical and recreational resources.


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