world market, mineral raw material, export, competitiveness, UkraineAbstract
In the article positions and competitive edges of Ukraine are investigational in the world market of mineral raw material. A dynamics is analysed, commodity and geographical pattern of trade by mineral products for 2016-2020. It is educed that for investigated term, there is an increase of export of mineral products of Ukraine. It is marked that an iron-stone and her concentrates have most part in the structure of export of mineral products. The most customers of Ukrainian mineral raw material are China and countries of European Union. The analysis of dynamics of export indexes and positions is carried out on the world markets of those types of mineral products, that are competitive in the world market, : iron-stone and concentrates, titanic ore and concentrates, clays, andalusites, cyanites and sillimanites, kaolin. Underline, that Ukraine is included in ten of basic exporters after such types of mineral products : iron-stones and concentrates, titanic ores and concentrates of clay, andalusites, cyanites and sillimanites, kaolin and others like that. Certainly, that the competitiveness of Ukraine on the world markets of mineral products is determined by the protracted history and experience of booty; by the presence of large beds of sources of raw materials. It is indicated that the state can become a considerable supplier to the world market of graphite, lithium and many other types of critical and strategic raw material, demand on that in grows the world. The basic problems of exit of Ukrainian mineral raw material are certain to the world market. The subzero indexes of export of mineral products of Ukraine are constrained: with reduction of booty, by an unstable economic and political situation in a country, closing of market of russia for the Ukrainian products. The prospects of increase of competitiveness of Ukrainian mineral raw material are outlined in the world market. It is noticed that important is an increase of booty of the so-called critical materials and creation of powers for their booty and enriching, in fact the swift increase of demand is expected a world market.
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