



Svalbard archipelago, Spitsbergen, Longyearbyen, tourism, tourist attractions


Spitsbergen is the largest island of the Svalbard Archipelago (Norwegian province), where Longyearbyen (capital, with, among others, an airport and seaport) is located. There are several other small settlement units on the island. This creates the opportunity to get to know a slightly wider area of the island more conveniently. These settlements are among the northernmost inhabited human settlements. Comfortable and uncomplicated travel, at a reasonable price, has resulted in a rapid increase in the number of tourists in many previously inaccessible places. In addition, climate change, which can be felt today, as well as prolonged periods of heat and drought, initiate and intensify the risk of fires in many hitherto very popular tourist areas. The increase in the sense of danger among the society has clearly strengthened. In addition, the COVID-19 epidemic could direct the desire to travel in areas not crowded with mass tourist traffic. Spitsbergen, with its emerging tourist center in Longyearbyen, is an interesting offer that can meet the various expectations of tourists. The aim of the work is to show this area as an attractive tourist space and currently in a good tourist boom. The research was based on the analysis of literature, internet sources and field reconnaissance that took place in 2022. The results of the studies showed that Spitsbergen enjoys growing tourist interest, as evidenced by the expanding tourist infrastructure and the increase in the possibility of reaching Longyearbyen, as well as moving around area of this town.


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