



distance learning, general and historical geology, chemistry and physics of geospheres, hydrogeology


In our modern times, the educational process faces significant challenges, such as the pandemic and war. Distance learning has emerged as a solution, allowing classes to be conducted during quarantine and with students who are located abroad. With the availability of various resources, including free ones, distance learning has become increasingly effective. However, it is important to note that certain aspects of hands-on laboratory work cannot be fully replaced by digital technologies. This article focuses on exploring the possibilities of distance learning in the courses of “General and Historical Geology”, “Chemistry and Physics of Geospheres” and “Hydrogeology”. In the “General and Historical Geology” course, lectures can be effectively delivered through distance learning, while classes involving the study of minerals and rocks require specially equipped classrooms. It is crucial for students to physically experience the weight of galena, test the hardness of gypsum with their fingernails, observe the color of a chromite streak, and conduct reactions of carbonates with hydrochloric acid. These hands-on experiences cannot be replicated in remote settings. The same applies to the study of rocks, which are composed of minerals. Other laboratory classes, such as those focused on geological mapping and cross-section construction, are recommended to be conducted in-person, but remote options can be considered if necessary. Knowledge assessment in the “General and Historical Geology” course requires various methods. The ability to identify minerals and rocks, which relies on understanding their characteristics rather than memorizing specific examples, should be evaluated through exams rather than educational materials. Diagnosing minerals through photography is as meaningless as conducting a remote medical examination. Assessing the ability to construct geological sections through geological maps is more conveniently done in person, but remote assessment is also possible. Knowledge of geological processes and historical geology can be assessed through remote testing. In the course “Chemistry and Physics of Geospheres” most classes can be conducted remotely since practical sessions mainly involve calculations and graphics. Modules that can be assessed through tests ensure objectivity. The use of the Moodle system for distance courses allows students to complete modules at their convenience and saves valuable classroom time. In the “Hydrogeology” course, classroom sessions are necessary to study the filtration properties of rocks and determine the pH and salinity of water under controlled laboratory conditions. While calculation and graphic-oriented classes can be conducted remotely, those requiring specific laboratory equipment, such as sieves, pH meters, and salt meters, should be carried out in person. Lecture courses for all disciplines can be effectively delivered to remote classes.


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