interregional cooperation, region, voivodeship, Ukraine, Poland.Abstract
Abstract. The features of interregional cooperation between the border regions of Ukraine and the voivodeships of Poland are studied from the standpoint of social geography. The main factors of the development of interregional cooperation between the border regions of Ukraine and the voivodeships of Poland are determined. The spatial differences in the intensity of interregional cooperation between Ukrainian and Polish border regions in terms of the number of signed agreements on cooperation and partnership are revealed. It has been established that the most active interregional cooperation is observed between the border regions of Ukraine (Volyn and Lviv) and the border voivodeships of Poland (Lubelskie and Podkarpackie). The most active partners on the part of Ukraine in terms of the number of signed agreements are Volyn Oblast and Lubelskie Voivodeship on the part of Poland. The article characterizes the main forms and directions of interregional cooperation between the border regions of Ukraine and the voivodeships of Poland. It is indicated that the main forms of interregional cooperation between the regions of the two countries are cross-border cooperation, twinning between cities and “small” border traffic. It is noted that cross-border cooperation is realized through the functioning of the Bug and Carpathian Euroregions, within which cooperation between local governments is carried out mainly in the environmental, cultural and tourist areas. It is found that the Ukrainian cities with the largest number of partnerships with Polish cities are Lviv, Lutsk, Truskavets, Drohobych, Kovel, and on the Polish side, Lublin, Przemyśl, Rzeszów, Chełm, and Zamość, i.e., mainly cities of the Lubelskie and Podkarpackie voivodeships. It is noted that “small” border traffic is carried out within the border zone of Ukraine and Poland, which does not exceed 30 km from the common border. Among the border regions of Ukraine, Lviv region has the largest number of settlements located in the border zone, and on the Polish side ‒ Lubelskie Voivodeship. The main areas of Ukrainian-Polish interregional cooperation are identified: border transport infrastructure, economy, ecology, education, culture and tourism. In order to intensify Ukrainian-Polish interregional cooperation, the importance of implementing the State Program for the Development of Cross-Border Cooperation for 2021‒2027 and the INTERREG NEXT Ukraine-Poland Program 2021‒2027 is emphasized.
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