road transport, transport hub, Uman, bus transportation, Crete transport corridor No. 9.Abstract
Abstract. Transport plays an important role in the socio-economic development of the country, because a developed transport system is a prerequisite for economic growth, increasing the competitiveness of the national economy and the quality of life of the population. International transport corridors contribute to the formation of important transport and logistics centers that contribute to the development of the regional economy and international trade relations of Ukraine. Bus transportation plays an important role in the socio-geographic provision of territorial communities. They are one of the most important spheres of material production, which largely determines the level and structure of the economy, the features of population placement and production, and is also the most important link that connects all branches of the economic complex into a single whole. Regional socio-geographic studies of transport in the context of European integration are relevant. The article highlights the socio-geographic features of the Uman transport hub in the pan-European (Cretan) transport corridor No. 9. Descriptive, literary, statistical, comparative research methods were used. The purpose of the study is to reveal the socio-geographic features of the Uman transport hub in the pan-European (Cretan) transport corridor No. 9. The automobile transport of the region is described. The scientific novelty consists in the socio-geographical analysis of the Uman transport hub as a component of regional studies of Central Ukraine. The zone of influence of bus transportation of the Uman transport hub in the integration connections of the pan-European (Cretan) transport corridor No. 9 has also been determined. The results of a survey on determining the impact of bus transportation on the quality of life have been published.
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