ageing of population, elderly people, death rate, life expectancy, people with disabilities.Abstract
Abstract. The aim of the research is the evaluation of the medical and demographic processes which depict the dynamics and some peculiarities of the population ageing in Chernihiv region. The tasks of the research include the studies of the dynamics of the medical and demographic aspects of population ageing, and the indexes of the life expectancy, death rate, and disabilities among elderly people. The theoretical approach to the phenomenon of population ageing and its territorial peculiarities is basic for this research. The empirical analysis is based on the data from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine and the Head Department of Statistics in Chernihiv region. The data for the period 2011–2021 were used as the sources of information. The peculiarities of the demographic ageing level based on the gender characteristics and the types of settlements in the years 2011–2021 are revealed. The medical and demographic processes which depict the patterns of the population ageing in Chernihiv region are studied. The demographic situation in the region is characterized by the decrease in the population’s life expectancy, lower life expectancy among the men living in the rural area, and the unessential decrease of the gender differences in life expectancy among the dwellers of the urban and rural settlements. The death rate among elderly men and women has a tendency to grow, but the death rate among men is 1.4 higher than among women. The main reasons of deaths are the diseases of blood circulatory system, tumors, and external causes. The cases of disabilities among elderly people are registered more often among those living in the rural area (1.8 times more in 2021). Taking into consideration the increase in the death rate, the growth in the number of people with disabilities, and gender differences in life expectancy, it is rightly to state about the formation of such a phenomenon as a premature population ageing in Chernihiv region.
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