


war tourism, tourism and war, post-conflict tourism, conception, memorialization, approaches, military tourism.


Abstract. The purpose of the article is to elucidate issues of war tourism discourse, as well as conceptualization of war tourism. This research has established that the term “war tourism” encompasses a broader discourse compared to “military tourism”. The tourismological understanding of war tourism necessitates various approaches, incorporating historical, geospatial, anthropological, sociological, psychological, philosophical, linguistic, ethical, economic ones. Each of them reveals different aspects of war tourism and contributes to the formation of its comprehensive and holistic insight. In addition, other terms related to war tourism, including “commemorative tourism”, “memorial tourism”, “post-conflict tourism”, “hot war tourism”, “battlefield tourism”, “dark tourism”, “beligerative landscapes”, “military pilgrimage”, “phoenix tourism”, “re-enactment” have been explored. Practical manifestations of war tourism span different forms and multifaceted motivations. Moreover, war journeys can be conditionally divided into the following groups: war-historical, war-event, war-adventure, warpilgrimage tourism products. In fact, the delineation of these groups is not distinct, as various war travels often incorporate historical, event, adventure, pilgrimage, entertainment, educational, extreme and other components. Additionally, the examples of post-war restoration of tourism destinations have been reviewed. The post-conflict tourism development has various implementation forms, such as total destination revalorization, which involves new war heritage, or development of hybrid tourism products combining pre-conflict legacy with acquired one. The final stage of recovery from conflict could involve forming a mature destination with niche markets. Furthermore, the complex interactions and diverse relationships between war and tourism have been analyzed. The novelty of the research lies in the multidisciplinary approach to the study of war tourism. The specific structure of this type of tourism has been proposed, and the main terms related to war travels have been clarified.


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