


geography of religion, religious space, sacred sphere, sacred sporadic, sacred objects, sacred tourism, geocultural factors, tourist and recreational activity, Cherkasy region


The article analyses the geocultural aspects of the formation and development of the sacred tourism sphere in the Cherkasy region. The object and subject of scientific research, its main tasks, as well as its structure have been laid out. The factories and minds that directly contribute to the development of sacred tourism in Cherkasy region are examined. Particular respect is given to the ongoing development and historical developments of sacred tourism. The prospects for the development of sacred tourism in the Cherkasy region and in Ukraine have been revealed in general, the main aspects of further development and practical significance have been seen. This research has revealed officials who are involved in the development of the functioning of the territorial organization of the sacred tourism sector in the Cherkasy region; the historical and geographical features of the functioning of religions and denominations in the Cherkasy region have been studied; a system-structural study of the geography of the religious sphere in modern Ukraine was carried out. It has been established that historical-geographical research into the sacred sphere of tourism in Ukraine has begun to develop widely since the early 90-s of the twentieth century. The essence of geographical research on sacred tourism lies in the designated spatial-hour differentiation of religious and cultural centres, which, by the same token, has always been present in the warehouse of research. knowledge of geographical sciences. The research contains the main approaches to the geographical tracking of religious activities and the exploration of sacred spaces. These approaches make it possible to specify the object and subject of study in the geography of culture and religion and showing the feasibility of other sciences in whose direct investigation. It has been established that the current issues of today include the investigation of the geo-religious situation of the Cherkasy region, the improvement of the administrative-territorial structure of religious denominations and, if possible, the development of the full scale of puppies of sacred spores. This study highlights the relevance of the historical and cultural decline as a resource basis for sacred tourism. The theoretical and methodological foundations of a new alternative type of tourism – sacred tourism, its potential and territorial aspect of development have been revealed and systematized. That is why the performed research is relevant and distinguished by its scientific nature novelty.


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