geographic information systems (GIS), geographic information technologies (GIT), renewable energy, wind power plants (WPP)Abstract
Energy is the driving force of economic development and industrialization of any country and the world as a whole. For a long time, the world community met the need for energy mainly through fossil fuels. But a hyperbolic increase in the population on the planet, an increase in the energy needs of mankind, a decrease in fossil reserves (traditional) fuel, increase in its cost and uneven location in the territories and unprecedented pollution of the тnatural environment (NE), namely "heat pollution," acid rain, ozone depletion and ozone hole formation, chemical and radionuclide pollution, biodiversity reduction, global warming, etc., it all have led to awareness of the importance of using renewable (alternative) energy sources (RES) and the growth of their consumption to ensure the energy and economic security of states. That is why in recent decades more and more attention has been paid to renewable (alternative) energy in the world. Among the advantages of RES are their environmental friendliness, due to the absence of emissions into the atmosphere and ensuring the economic and stable operation of the power system due to a decrease in dependence on coal and gas imports. Among all RES, one of the most important and promising is the fast-growing, mature, cost-effective and commercially attractive wind electricity production technology, which has now become competitive with fossil fuel energy. The advantages of using wind as a source of renewable energy are considered. Among the main technical problems of creating wind power plants (WPP) is the choice of their potential locations, since the decision to place such stations strongly affects future demand, the impact on NE, supply and prices, regulatory risks in making investment decisions. From the characteristics of the territory (relief and topography), the amount of potentially produced energy can radically change. In addition, for the successful development of the WPP, it is necessary to provide the necessary support from the state. The algorithm of search of optimal territories for installation of objects of wind energy is offered.
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