social protection, beneficiaries, special population groups.Abstract
The purpose of the article is to investigate theoretical provisions and develop practical recommendations for increasing the effectiveness of social protection of special population groups. The article examines the theoretical aspects and identifies the main problems of social protection of special population groups, analyzes the dynamics of the number of beneficiaries and the financed payment sums in the Lutsk City Territorial Community. It was suggested the priority directions for improving the effectiveness of social protection for this social category. The proper understanding of the category of social protection of special population groups was determined. The system of state and social nature measures was aimed at raising the living standard and ensuring the social well-being of citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations and need help. The priority directions for improving the effectiveness of social protection for privileged categories of the population have been formed: to implement a unified information system for accounting for all beneficiaries and payments to them, to ensure the compatibility with other databases of the Pension Fund of Ukraine, State Employment Service, State Tax Service of Ukraine, Departments of Social Protection and Centers of Social Services of Territorial Communities; to form a single legal document that would regulate the procedures for assigning all types of benefits; to maximize the targeting of the social benefit by binding it to a specific recipient, according to the principle “money follows the beneficiary”; to raise the minimum social standards and thus balance the ratio of the beneficiaries number to the state population as a whole; to ensure equal financing of social benefits from the state and local budgets, to maximally attract funds from international social programs and charitable funds. Prospects for further research are to improve the mechanisms of targeted distribution of financial resources in order to ensure effective social protection of special population groups.
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