morality, ethics, value orientations, territorial community, social workerAbstract
Today, in the practice of social work, issues related to justifying the value of social technologies for social-pedagogical support of individuals who have become victims of physical, psychological, and sexual violence, as well as those in situations requiring emergency intervention, are of paramount importance and relevance. Social work serves as a tool of state policy for social protection, social support, counseling, aimed at creating a comfortable social environment conducive to the comprehensive development of children, enhancing parenting potential, adaptation in society, social prevention, and social rehabilitation. The authors emphasize in the article that social work is directed towards assistance and support of service recipients during periods of personal and social distress and is oriented towards meeting basic needs, protection, and support within the territorial community. In this challenging period, the foundation of a social worker's professional activity lies in domestic and international experience based on moral-ethical principles, values of social work, and mutual support. Currently, the manifestation of social work in the territorial community represents an unorganized yet conscious and meaningful combination of benevolence of ordinary citizens as a moral obligation, a value orientation, and the aspiration to do good, along with the professional activities of social workers, which is significant for individuals, communities, society as a whole. The article addresses the issues of professional-ethical training of social workers with a high level of moral responsibility, professional-ethical competencies, which will contribute to the psychosocial well-being, safety, and comprehensive development of service recipients through the implementation of the principle of justice in the life of the social environment. Moral-ethical norms of social work are an integral part of a professional's activities. In their practical work, professionals often encounter complex moral dilemmas and face ethical challenges in making effective and balanced decisions, as they will inevitably deal with issues of socio-economic inequality and violation of the principle of social justice. This compels them to act in accordance with their personal moral convictions, as such situations are insufficiently regulated by legislation.
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