unemployed social protection, social management, employment, labor marketAbstract
The purpose of this study is the theoretical provisions analysis and the practical recommendations development for improving the effectiveness of unemployed social protection management. The article examines the theoretical aspects of unemployed social protection management in Ukraine, the authors’ understanding of the category of unemployed social protection is formed like a system of social security for persons who have lost their place of permanent employment, by providing them with temporary financial payments during a certain period, and finding a new place of work according to their specialty, or free retraining according to the labor market requirements. The functions of the State Employment Service, as the main administrative structure for ensuring unemployed social protection in Ukraine are examined. It is determined that the system of unemployed social protection in Ukraine is built on the principles of: universality; justice; stimulation and provides for the following means of social support for the unemployed: payment of unemployment benefits; professional rehabilitation; promotion of active job search. The dynamics and structure of registered and employed unemployed citizens on the labor market of Volyn region for 2021-2023 are analyzed. A general trend of a decrease in the number of registered unemployed during January-April 2023 compared to similar periods of the previous years is noted, which is explained by active conscription for military service and a significant outflow of the capable of working female population abroad. Directions for increasing the effectiveness of unemployed social protection are formed: to increase the level of population general well-being; to ensure the functioning of the second and third level of the pension system; to preserve existing jobs by supporting employers; to ensure effective retraining of the persons who have lost their jobs; to strengthen the coordination of international activities on employment issues; to balance the supply of educational institutions with the labor market needs; to conduct the specialized labor fairs together with educational institutions; to intensify the cooperation between social partners. Prospects for further research are in the development of effective management of unemployed social protection during the post-war period.
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