social work, social cohesion, territorial community, decision-making, community activation, social initiative, volunteering, evaluation of social cohesion of the community.Abstract
Creating opportunities for the formation and development of a territorial community, the question arises of social cohesion, adaptability, flexibility and stability of its residents, the formation of an environment of tolerance and acceptance of diversity, and moreover, in communities that receive internally displaced persons after February 24, 2022, the development of ideological, political, ethical, moral and value guidelines for mobilizing the efforts of community members. In the methodological manual for the development of indicators of social cohesion, the Council of Europe defines it as the ability of the social environment to provide opportunities for comprehensive development, satisfaction of own needs, fair access to available resources, material security, respect for human dignity and acceptance of diversity, personal and collective responsibility. In the article, the authors emphasize that it is social workers who should motivate and inspire members of the territorial community to independently make effective and balanced decisions and, most importantly, be aware of responsibility for the results and consequences of such actions. The main theories of modern social work are based on improving the quality of life of each member of the territorial community. And, namely, social inclusion and gradual increase in the participation of residents of the territorial community in making responsible decisions can ensure overcoming social injustice, excluding a person from a certain system of social relations, prejudices, discrimination and further active adaptation and positive socialization, the formation of resilience, that is, the ability to recover from life's difficulties troubles, accidents and injuries. The full-scale invasion of Russia on the territory of Ukraine, the occupation, the difficult social, political, and economic situation in the country leads to a decrease in the standard of living of members of the territorial community and the social well-being of families with children who need immediate help.
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