social work, methods of social work, scientific fieldAbstract
The article outlines the methods of the scientific field of "social work", presents their implementation features for different categories of clients; theoretical aspects of the formation and implementation of social work methods in domestic and international practice are revealed. The scientific field of "social work" has existed in the world for more than a hundred years. During this time, the basic principles and methods of this field were studied and defined. However, until now there are problematic issues related to the emergence of social work as a science and the specifics of providing social assistance to various categories of the population. The concept of "social work" can have a broad and narrow understanding. In a broad sense, social work includes all types of activities aimed at helping people in difficult life situations and solving social problems. In a narrow sense, social work is an independent scientific and practical discipline that studies social problems and develops effective methods of solving them. Thus, social work is an important scientific field that has its own characteristics and research methods. Over the years, scientific research has been conducted and methods of working with different categories of clients have been developed. However, there are problems that require further study and resolution. The emergence and development of various groups of social work methods is the result of a multifaceted process. Social work as a professional activity developed along with changes in society, in particular with changes in socioeconomic conditions. The disclosure of socio-economic factors that contributed to the emergence and development of various groups of methods makes it possible to better understand their essence and effectiveness. The specificity of social work as a professional activity is that it is aimed at supporting and developing the quality of people's lives, helping to solve social problems. It is concluded that since social work is aimed at solving social problems and providing support to people, changes in social structure and politics have a great impact on its effectiveness. Thus, cooperation between social workers, scientists, government organizations and the public requires the introduction of new methods of social work into practice and professional activity, the need for exchange, experience and knowledge, as well as decision-making on effective social policy.
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