rehabilitation, social rehabilitation, social rehabilitation services, persons with disabilities, children with disabilities, social workAbstract
The concept of rehabilitation is widely used in the scientific discourse of social work as an integrated approach to the provision of specialized services, which goes beyond the traditional boundaries of curative medicine, and is rather based on the philosophy of the inalienable right of the client of rehabilitation services or his family members to take an active part in decisions regarding his health. However, in domestic and foreign scientific discourse, there is no unified approach to understanding social rehabilitation and it is considered from the perspective of the research context. This scientific article is a part of the research within the scope of the project on the implementation of scientific research and development "Research on the development of social rehabilitation services for children with disabilities and their families at the level of territorial communities in the war and post-war periods" (registration number №2022.01/0166), which is financed by the National Research Fund of Ukraine, and aims to carry out a systematic analysis of scientific approaches to the concept of rehabilitation of persons with disabilities in the foreign practice of social interventions. In the process of systematic analysis of the scientific discourse, it was found that discussions on understanding the broad context of the concept of rehabilitation date back to the 1960s, changing the focus of attention from the medical to the social paradigm of disability and relying on the biopsychosocial model, which suggests considering social rehabilitation services as integrated, multidisciplinary, client-centered. The results of the study demonstrate that social rehabilitation services are divided into basic and specialized and include medical, educational, social and professional interventions aimed at increasing the autonomy and capacity of a person with a disability. Along with that, the rehabilitation team includes both professional service providers, paraprofessionals, family members (parents, guardians, legal representatives) and community members and is carried out according to structural rehabilitation protocols.
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