



military serviceman, combatant, war veteran, rehabilitation, social rehabilitation, medical rehabilitation, physical rehabilitation, socio-pedagogical rehabilitation, military-professional rehabilitation, psychological rehabilitation.


The relevance of the study is due not only to the increase in the number of servicemen who need social protection due to participation in hostilities, but also to the fact that during the period of active hostilities in Ukraine, a large number of participants in hostilities receive injuries and wounds of varying severity, which require immediate state intervention. The authors determined that it is the rehabilitation of combatants that is crucial for the complete restoration of their physical and psychological functions and the full restoration of their ability to work and live in society. Based on the analysis of Ukrainian and international legal documents, the essence of the concept of "participants in hostilities" was determined as military personnel, employees of a number of other state power structures, as well as persons from among the participants of voluntary formations that defended (defend) the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and are direct participants in hostilities. The types of rehabilitation of combatants are defined and characterized, namely: social, medical, physical, socio-pedagogical, military-professional and psychological rehabilitation. It was found that each type of rehabilitation plays a significant role in the full recovery of combatants and helps them return to an active and fulfilling life after the war. For the effective rehabilitation of combatants, it is necessary to take into account their individual needs and adhere to the principles of complexity, systematicity and interdisciplinary.


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How to Cite

ДУЛЯ, А., & СПІРІНА, Т. (2024). ON THE ISSUE OF REHABILITATION OF PARTICIPANTS OF COMBAT ACTIONS IN UKRAINE. Humanitas, (1), 38–43. https://doi.org/10.32782/humanitas/2024.1.6




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