success, success, personality, achievement of success, motivation, student youthAbstract
The article examines various scientific approaches and systematizes the scientific provisions on the concepts of "success" and "success" in modern society, and also determines the importance of supporting young people in their quest to succeed. To achieve this goal, the methods of theoretical analysis of scientific literature, including the works of psychologists, sociologists, educators, philosophers and economists, were used. Different approaches to defining and analyzing the concepts of "success" and "success" are considered, including philosophical, sociological, economic and psychological aspects. The novelty of the study lies in the use of an integrated approach to the study of the phenomena of success and success, which allows to reveal their multidimensionality and significance in various spheres of life. The study showed that success and fulfillment are complex, multifaceted concepts that include both the achievement of goals and a sense of satisfaction from the process. Success is a one-time achievement of a goal, while success is an ongoing process of achieving long-term life goals and obtaining results from the efforts expended, which consist of the constant achievement of individual goals. The success of an individual is determined not only by his or her efforts, but also by the social conditions that facilitate or impede his or her development. Achieving success creates a lasting sense of satisfaction, promotes the emergence of new motives for further activities, and increases self-esteem and selfrespect. Regular successes can have a positive impact on all areas of a person's life, constantly inspiring them to new achievements. To achieve success, one needs clearly set goals and an action plan for their realization, high self-esteem, internal motivation, and efficient use of available resources. Further research should be aimed at an in-depth study of the mechanisms of success and the conditions that contribute to the formation of a successful personality in modern society.
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