war veterans, combatants, reintegration of war veterans, social reintegration, inclusive approaches, inclusionAbstract
The purpose of the article is to provide a theoretical substantiation and develop practical recommendations for improving the effectiveness of social protection of war veterans through their socio-economic reintegration into civilian society. In the article, the relevance of the problem of social protection of war veterans and their families, the need to find new ways of effective socio-economic reintegration of this population category into the post-war society is substantiated. The scientific approaches to the essence and significance of the study subject matter are investigated, and the author's own understanding of the category of social protection of war veterans is formed: it is a system of measures and programmes aimed at ensuring rights and guarantees, creating appropriate living conditions, and supporting the social and material well-being of persons who participated in military actions, their families and other persons related to them. The legal framework for social protection of war veterans and members of their families is studied, significant cumbersomeness, contradictions and the need to improve legislation in terms of practical implementation of social guarantees for this category of population are identified. Foreign experience in social protection of war veterans and their families is studied, and the low level of social support for veterans is identified in comparison with similar systems in NATO countries. A comprehensive programme of social protection of war veterans and their families for 2024–2026 in the Lutsk city territorial community is analysed, and existing problems and trends are identified. Directions for improving the social protection of war veterans and their families are proposed: creating a unified register of all categories of veterans; developing regional networks of social centres for veterans; developing inclusive social support programmes for each veteran; providing comprehensive social support (financial, material, psychological, medical, etc.); ensuring full socio-economic reintegration of veterans; carrying out continuous monitoring and correction of social support programmes for veterans. Prospects for further research lie in the development of inclusive programmes for the socio-economic reintegration of war veterans and their families in the context of a territorial community.
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