life, communicative, social competence, social education, social education technology «Safe Place» for children of preschool and primary school age.Abstract
The article defines the following features of the social education technology «Safe Place» for preschool and younger school age children such as: 1) multifunctional; 2) purposeful; 3) group; 4) interactive. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the object, subject, goal, tasks, structure, content, forms, methods, and conditions for implementing the technology of social education technology «Safe Place» for preschool and younger school age children coming from a competency-based approach. The object of the technology is the preschool and younger school age children. The subjects of the technology implementation are social educators, psychologists, educators of preschool educational institutions, and teachers of primary grades of secondary educational institutions. The purpose and objectives of the technology are: 1) development, formation of competencies (life, communicative, social) of preschool and primary school age children; 2) development, formation of stress resistance of preschool and primary school age children; 3) primary social prevention of aggressive behavior of preschool and primary school age children. The structure and content of the technology consists of twelve sessions. The form of implementation of the technology is training classes in an educational institution and in nature near the educational institution. Methods of the technology implementation imply conversation, information message, exercise method, groups work, playing mobile, roleplaying games, performing creative tasks. The duration of the technology implementation involves holding twelve training classes for two hours each week: 1) the first two classes should be held in a classroom in an educational institution; 2) ten classes – in nature near the educational institution. The article identifies twelve conditions for the effective implementation of the social education technology «Safe Place» for preschool and primary school age children.
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