readiness, social and pedagogical support, orphans, foster family, social workerAbstract
The main attention is paid to the systematic analysis of various aspects of the process of forming the readiness of social workers to provide quality social and pedagogical support to orphans in a foster family, the current situation is assessed and effective options for improving the situation are outlined. The purpose of the work is to analyze the peculiarities of the formation of the readiness of social workers to provide quality socio-pedagogical support to orphans in a foster family. The methodological basis of the study is a number of conceptual approaches, general scientific methods. Topical issues of methodology of professional readiness are considered. The scientific theories of modern pedagogy of higher school, its features in the context of formation of readiness of social workers to provide social and pedagogical support are investigated. If the importance of scientific and theoretical research is increasingly important for the pedagogy of higher education, it is undeniable that the scientific theory of the formation of readiness is still not in the field of view in a specific form. Reflecting its current state, it should be noted that there is a small amount of attention paid to the outlined issues. The emphasis is placed on the organization of professional training of social workers. The problem of the low level of preparation of social workers to perform their professional duties in practice is considered. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is that the problem of forming the readiness of social workers to provide quality socio-pedagogical support to orphans in a foster family through an understanding of its content is studied and presented. Conclusions: as a result, it is stated that a social worker who works with orphans in a foster family should know not only the techniques of conversation, communication rules, psychological characteristics of children and the importance of nonverbal communication, but also have such qualities as politeness, friendliness, kindness, focus on children, patience, intuition and compassion, which are essential components of psychological readiness for activities aimed at adapting children to living in foster families.
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