mutual help (self-help) groups, children with special needs, self-directed activity, social supportAbstract
The article highlights the phenomenon of the activity of mutual help (self-help) groups as an additional resource for obtaining social support for parents of children with special needs. The author summarizes scientific researches on the activity of the mentioned volunteering unions. The article presents the classification of the mutual help groups according to the social sphere directions where such activity is effective and appropriate. The research defines the mechanism of creation and functioning of such unions and describes the roles of a social worker accompanying the activity of a self-help group. Hands-on experience of mutual support groups is characterized and generalized as a case study of the similar parent communities within service public organizations in Volyn region. The article presents the results of questionnaire surveys conducted in the community of the parents of children with cerebral palsy. Advantages and obstacles faced by the members of such groups are defined and analysed. Practical recommendations for the leaders of such public organizations and workers of social agencies pointed out in the article will help initiate and support the activity of the corresponding unions and communities allowing the last to implement effective changes in the community and achieve meaningful results.
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