social protection, social service, territorial communityAbstract
The purpose of the article is to analyze the social protection of the population in the territorial community and develop recommendations for improving its effectiveness at the local level. The article examines the practical aspects of social protection in the newly created territorial communities. Incomes to the general fund of local budgets are analyzed, the positive tendency to increase the financial resources of rural territorial communities is revealed, which has a positive effect on their ability to provide the necessary level of social protection. Activities of rural territorial communities in Boratyn, Zymne and Kolodiazhne as well as urban territorial community in Lutsk (Volyn Region) are considered in detail. Using their work as an example, the peculiarities of social sphere financing and provision of social services in rural and urban territorial communities are studied. We came to the conclusion that decentralization has had a positive impact on social protection, as local authorities better understand the existing problems and allocate money more rationally on their solutions. It is noted that there are still a large number of unresolved issues in the social sphere. Priority directions to improve the effectiveness of social protection of the population in territorial communities have been developed and they include the following suggestions such as introduction of the Unified information system in the social sphere; financing the social services system on a parity basis; prevention of difficult life circumstances; formation of additional sources of income in local budgets to finance socially important expenditures; improving the regulatory framework of the social sphere; improving financial and administrative support for social work professionals; division of functions between structural units of the social sphere, elimination of duplications and contradictions; organization of continuous training, internships and advanced training of social protection specialists. Prospects for further research are seen in the analysis of the results of local social protection bodies and finding ways to improve their efficiency.
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