military conflict, children, parents, socio-pedagogical work, support.Abstract
The professional activities of social workers and social educators cover a wide range of social services to members of socially vulnerable groups, including vulnerable families, families in difficult life circumstances, crisis families. The number of these families greatly increased during Russia's military aggression in Ukraine. This aggression has increased significantly compared to 2014 after the full-scale military invasion of Russia into Ukraine. This war has forced about a quarter of Ukraine's 44 million people to flee their homes: move to safer regions of the country, or go abroad. Military events are traumatic not only for the adult population, but also for children. As social educators and social workers have limited (often remote) access to children, this makes it almost impossible to provide comprehensive social services during the war. That is why parents must have the appropriate competence to provide support to their children during the war. To this end, social educators and social work specialists conduct socio-pedagogical work with parents. They teach parents to support their children during the war. Social educators and social workers advise parents on this issue (online and offline). The article provides recommendations for the organization of socio-pedagogical work with parents to support their children during the war. The authors of the article characterize the reactions of children of different ages to the catastrophic event and propose a mechanism to help children cope with its consequences. It is established that the typical reactions of children depend on the age period (preschool age, primary school age, senior school age, adolescence). The authors of the article conclude that the support of parents of children during the war must be taking into account the characteristics of the age of the child.
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