social rehabilitation, children with special educational needs, social assistance, extensive system of rehabilitation institutions, levels of social rehabilitation.Abstract
The article studies and generalizes the system of social rehabilitation of children with special educational needs. Theoretical analysis of scientific approaches to the interpretation of the concept of “social rehabilitation” has been carried out. The purpose of the research, which is to study and generalize the features of the system of rehabilitation of children with special educational needs in Ukraine, has been relieved. It has been investigated that social rehabilitation is aimed at restoring social experience and establishing social ties, norms of behavior, communication, emotional stability, active social life, renewal of social status, integration into open society, expansion and deepening of social contacts, entering culture, restoration of professional qualities and skills, social experience and social functions, mental, physical and spiritual health of maladapted people; it is the process of restoring a person's ability to live in a social environment, as well as the social environment itself and the conditions of human life, which were limited or violated for certain reasons. The main levels of social rehabilitation have been singled out, namely: 1) federal, regional, local level of social rehabilitation. 2) the level of individual and group and social rehabilitation work. It has been analyzed that in Ukraine there is an extensive system of rehabilitation institutions: medical and social, professional and labor, physical culture and sports. The basic rules of rehabilitation of children with special educational needs were revealed. It has been determined that the rehabilitation system provides a significant range of services provided not only to children but also to their parents, families in general and the wider environment. All services are coordinated in such a way as to provide assistance to individual and family development, to protect the rights of all family members. The research methods used are as follows: theoretical (analysis of the scientific literature on the research problem); empirical (observation, comparison, generalization). It has been proved that the process of social rehabilitation takes place in activities that provide the child with knowledge of the world around, creates new needs, stimulates the emergence of children's feelings, is the most important source of experience of interpersonal relationships and behavior.
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