advocacy campaign, tools, public expertise, public hearings, general meeting of citizens at the place of residence, electronic petition, local initiative, social workerAbstract
Advocacy is an important component of professional social work, it is an effective tool that helps social workers, social professionals in their practice to protect, defend the rights and interests of vulnerable groups. A people-centered advocacy campaign not only leads to the necessary changes, but also generates new ideas, strategies, perspectives, forms groups of active, proactive, caring members of the public or public associations, to continue the results and introduce new changes and initiatives. A successful advocacy campaign can influence politics and public opinion. Advocacy in public activities is extremely important and the skills of strategic planning of advocacy campaigns are crucial for success and solving problems of vulnerable groups. It was emphasized that the possibility of implementing advocacy campaigns is related to the powers of the executive bodies of local councils. The authors emphasize two types of advocacy: external and internal, and recommend the use of external advocacy, given its effectiveness, mobilization qualities, and as one that brings together and strengthens initiatives from a community that is not indifferent to problems. Advocacy in community activities is extremely important, and the skills of strategic planning of advocacy campaigns are crucial for the success and problem-solving of vulnerable groups. It was emphasized that the possibility of conducting advocacy campaigns is related to the powers of the executive bodies of local councils. The authors distinguish between two types of advocacy: external and internal, and recommend the use of external advocacy, given its effectiveness, mobilization qualities and as one that unites and strengthens the initiatives of a community that is not indifferent to problems. The article substantiates the use of advocacy in important areas of public life and lists the tools that can be used in advocacy campaigns to address social issues. The authors focused on the analysis of such advocacy tools as e-petition; public examination; local initiative; public hearings; general meeting of citizens at the place of residence.
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