



teacher entrepreneurship, approach, educational entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship, professional competence


The article scientifically substantiates theoretical approaches to aspects of teacher entrepreneurship formation in modern educational conditions. A definitive analysis of scientific research on the problems of entrepreneurship, which allows us to consider the concept of “entrepreneurship” as a system of pedagogical actions aimed at developing a pedagogical system, which would aim to form a set of elements of entrepreneurship of teachers of the New Ukrainian School. a characteristic set of entrepreneurial knowledge, skills, abilities to perform professional tasks, determining the trajectory of their own professional growth, implementation of their own business ideas, modernization of their own activities, focused on the success and development of entrepreneurial initiative. Approaches to entrepreneurship in the pedagogical practice of teachers are analyzed. The role and place of educational entrepreneurship in the market of educational services, the essence of educational entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship as fundamentally new methods of managing the market of educational services and the most progressive forms of entrepreneurship are determined. In the process of working on scientific intelligence, the following research methods were used: theoretical: analysis and synthesis during the elaboration of pedagogical and methodological literature on the researched problem; theoretical comprehension and generalization of teachers’ experience and own work experience to determine the prerequisites for the formation of entrepreneurship in education; empirical: observation and analysis of classes with an entrepreneurial background. Further research of the author will be related to the development and implementation of pedagogical technologies for entrepreneurship formation of teachers of the New Ukrainian School, taking into account certain approaches and patterns of educational entrepreneurship, which will observe the dynamics of this process and detail the subject.


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How to Cite

КІНАХ, Н. (2021). ENTREPRENEURSHIP OF A TEACHER OF A NEW UKRAINIAN SCHOOL AS AN EDUCATIONAL PHENOMENON. Acta Paedagogica Volynienses, (4), 83–89. https://doi.org/10.32782/apv/2021.4.13

