mental health, normative development, psychophysical development disorders, prenatal, mentally retarded childrenAbstract
The authors of the article based on a comparative analysis of data based on empirical research revealed the specifics of the formation of mental health indicators of older preschoolers mental retardation, which is specified in the low level of formation of both criteria (socio-personal / emotional-behavioral). Within the limits of the article, it is specified that the formation of mental health on the background of mental retardation of preschool children is due to low level of selfawareness as a member of a social group, unformed ability to perceive and produce information about themselves, their preferences, meaningful adults. behavior, high levels of anxiety, aggressive tendencies, lack of independence and helplessness in helping others, expectation of help from adults, inadequacy of emotionally violent reactions, accompanied by frequent mood swings, the desire for solitude. Researchers make assumptions on the predominance of the postnatal period of development, as a primary factor influencing the formation of mental health of the preschooler. In this aspect, the increase in the educational potential of the mother (parents / persons replacing them) for the formation / development of certain indicators of mental health of mentally retarded children and postnatal stages of development. It is important to correctly diagnose the existing manifestations of mental health disorders in preschool age, to implement appropriate measures for their correction and development. Further research should determine the interaction of intellectual disabilities to the identified elevated rates of mental health disorders.
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