



adaptive potential, cardiovascular system, school-aged children, medical health groups for physical education


The article deals with the topical issue of adaptation opportunities of the cardiovascular system in children of primary school age, which were divided into basic, preparatory and special medical groups for physical education. Elementary school students aged 6 to 10 took part in the experiment. According to data from medical cards, they were divided into basic, preparatory and special medical groups for physical education. The duration of the experiment was 9 months. During the examination of students, we used such materials and devices as: a tonometer with a phonendoscope, medical scales, a height meter, a stopwatch. After conducting all the examinations, we calculated the adaptation opportunities of the organism using the formula of adaptation potential (AP). AP is calculated according to the formula (according to R. M. Baevsky and modification of the formula by the author’s method N. V. Bogdanovskaya). The analysis of the possibilities of the level of adaptation possibilities of students was determined according to the scale of the level of adaptation possibilities according to N. V. Bogdanovska. Statistical data processing was carried out using the MedStat statistical package. We highlighted the results of the peculiarities of the adaptation capabilities of the cardiovascular system, taking into account the individual approach to each student. We came to the conclusion that it is worth paying attention to the functional state of the body, in particular, to the adaptive capabilities of the cardiovascular system and to take into account during physical exercise children of different health groups. Physical exercises can be used both for group performance and individually by individual students according to their desire and emotional and physical state. Individualization of exercises will allow to maintain the state of students, as well as to distribute the load between group and individual activities, to achieve effective use of time in the lesson for all students. The obtained results can serve as a theoretical basis for the development of methodological recommendations, which provide ways of designing technologies for the formation of the health of younger schoolchildren during the educational process through physical education lessons, taking into account the division of students into medical health groups.


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How to Cite

РОМАНЮК, А., ШЕВЧУК, Т., & АПОНЧУК, Л. (2023). FEATURES OF THE ADAPTATION OPPORTUNITIES OF THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM IN CHILDREN OF YOUNGER SCHOOL AGE. Acta Paedagogica Volynienses, (2), 69–78. https://doi.org/10.32782/apv/2023.2.11




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