speech culture, language norm, official-business styleAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the theoretical and practical foundations of the professional speech of a lexicographer, in particular, the consideration of the historical development of the norms of the modern Ukrainian literary language, the justification of the feasibility of introducing the culture of speech into the system of professional training of future lexicographers. The educational discipline “Culture of Ukrainian professional speech” aims to train specialists who have a good command of their native language and are able to competently apply it to the needs of professional communication. The main tasks of studying the discipline are to teach written and oral business communication in accordance with the profession; be fluent in the terminology of your specialty; to help students of higher education learn the basics of speech culture as an important factor in the intellectual and professional level of the future teacher-linguist. The purpose of our article is to analyze the problems of professional speech of a lexicographer in the context of his training in accordance with the educational program “Secondary education (Ukrainian language and literature)”, specialty 014 “Secondary education (Ukrainian language and literature)”. The following research methods were used to solve the tasks in the work process: theoretical: analysis and synthesis during the processing of linguistic, psychological, pedagogical and methodical literature on the researched problem; empirical: conduct and analysis of classes in the specified discipline. Mastery of speech culture is an important condition for the professional growth of a teacher. In today’s globalized space, a teacher-linguist must quickly choose the appropriate form of speech, perceive information at different levels, conduct dialogues, operate the speech communication system in the pedagogical process.
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