
  • Olena BIELOVA




emotional literacy, psychological of readiness, children of older preschool age, children with speech disorders, methods, techniques.


The scientific publication carried out a theoretical and experimental analysis of the formation of the emotional component of the psychological component of the speech readiness of older preschool children to study in general secondary education institutions. The purpose of the study is to determine the effective ways of educational and developmental work to form the emotional literacy of older preschool children with speech disorders, which will ensure their successful adaptation in the conditions of general secondary education institutions. Research methods: theoretical: systematization of scientific and theoretical sources to substantiate the conceptual position and idea regarding the solution of the problematic issue; empirical: the use of various psychological methods, which are interdependent and complement each other during the formation of the emotional component: conversation, observation, method of analysis, comparison; data processing methods: included variable-statistical description. Research results. The revealed low indicators of the actual development of the emotional component of the psychological component of speech readiness in older preschool children with speech disorders raised questions about the justification of the ways of educational and developmental work aimed at the formation of emotional literacy. The main methods are outlined, such as game, which includes didactic, respiratory, motor, auditory, visual, tactile developmental games; the verbal method, which provides an interactive method, implemented with the help of conversation, stories, readings of works of art, parables, etc.; the visual-verbal method is used in art therapy, namely while drawing, listening to music, watching cartoons, etc. Methods of educational and developmental work and the expected result of the child are determined. In the process of educational and development work, considerable attention was paid to the formation of the ability to decipher emotional patterns, read facial expressions, identify emotions in life situations, and show positive emotions during communication. Accordingly, the indicators of the comparative analysis (declarative and formative experiments) proved that the emotional literacy of older preschool children with speech disorders was formed in a significant majority of respondents. That confirmed the effectiveness of training and development work.


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How to Cite

БЄЛОВА, О. (2024). WAYS OF FORMING EMOTIONAL LITERACY IN OLDER PRESCHOOL CHILDREN WITH SPEECH DISORDERS. Acta Paedagogica Volynienses, (1), 80–85. https://doi.org/10.32782/apv/2024.1.12

