



adult learner, andragogical staff, adult education, non-formal adult education, lifelong learning, lifelong professional development.


The aim of the article ii to define features and potentials of non-formal adult education in Ukrainian educational environment that is focused on adult learners` development and motivation; effective change management; the challenge of real life adult learners can face; ability to prove adult learners can use knowledge to introduce themselves professionally and communicate effectively in everyday situations and work. General scientific methods such as analysis, synthesis and generalization of the scientific information on different theoretical approaches to the problem of non-formal adult education have been used. One of the most important tasks at the present stage of modernizing non-formal adult education in national teaching and learning process is to ensure teaching quality according to both national and international requirements as well as support adult learners in delivering successful learning preparing them for future challenges. This issue is partly a reaction to the rapid changes in technologies adult learners can see around and experience on a daily basis. Information technologies, effective tools and timely forehanded receiving of information are becoming essential and crucial factors in the teaching lifelong education process. There is a need to bring into focus the non-formal adult education process to improve the design and structure of adult learning opportunities. In this article, we address concepts and approaches, which are equipped with appropriate innovative-based effective tools in accordance with the latest requirements identifying key issues that emerge in non-formal adult education, introducing them as substantial elements of teachers’ professional competence and their effective use in lifelong education process. Particular attention is paid to the teacher`s role and significance in nonformal adult education making such a process more meaningful for adult learners.


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How to Cite

MELESHKO, I., KHYMAI, N., & NIKITINA, N. (2024). FEATURES AND POTENTIALS OF NON-FORMAL ADULT EDUCATION IN UKRAINIAN EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT. Acta Paedagogica Volynienses, (1), 91–98. https://doi.org/10.32782/apv/2024.1.14

