reading textbooks, linguistic complexity of the text, difficulty parameters, younger studentsAbstract
The article examines the linguistic complexity of artistic and informational texts of actual (2020–2021) reading textbooks for 3rd – 4th grades. The importance and necessity of assessing the complexity of educational texts in the age period when the formation of full-fledged reading skills of students is still ongoing, and there is functional immaturity of individual cognitive processes of children, mechanisms of visual perception, insufficient level of vocabulary, background knowledge, etc., are substantiated. In order to achieve the research aim, the main parameters of the linguistic complexity of texts in the aspect of text generation were characterized in the research process: length of sentences; syntactic complexity of sentences; word length; separate parameters of the lexical structure of the texts (abstractness of the vocabulary; the presence of complex lexemes with the coincidence of three, and sometimes even 4 consonants, etc.). Based on the conclusions of the majority of domestic and foreign scientists, the optimal quantitative and qualitative indicators for primary school students were determined. The subject of a detailed study was the meaningfully complete excerpts from artistic (fairy tales, stories, myths) and informational texts (24 excerpts in total), which were analyzed according to the defined parameters of linguistic complexity. Based on the results of the research, quantitative characteristics were obtained in numerical and percentage values of each passage separately (listed in Tables 1–4). Quantitative-qualitative analysis of the obtained data proved the noncompliance of most of the texts with the optimal complexity parameters. They exceeded the permissible values within all analyzed readability parameters. Consequently, they will cause difficulties in most students during reading/comprehension, will increase the intellectual and sensory load of schoolchildren's educational activities. This actualizes the increased attention of editors of publishing houses, writers, compilers of textbooks to the evaluation of the complexity of texts during the preparation for the printing of publications for children.
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