innovations, technologies, pedagogical technologies, innovative pedagogical technologies, quality of education, educational institutionsAbstract
The article is dedicated to addressing the issue of implementing innovative pedagogical technologies in the educational process of contemporary educational institutions. This is a strategically important tool for achieving a high level of quality and effectiveness in educational services. The author emphasizes that innovations in education are one of the priority areas of state educational policy and the activities of educational institutions. These innovations significantly determine the modernization of the content and key approaches to organizing the educational process, ultimately enhancing the overall quality of education. The aim of the article is to summarize theoretical information about the essential content of the studied phenomenon, outline the ways of applying innovative pedagogical technologies, and determine their role in enhancing the quality of education. The research is based on theoretical analysis and synthesis of scientific sources, systematization of the obtained information, and employs a comprehensive approach to studying the problem of implementing innovative pedagogical technologies in the educational process as an effective tool for ensuring education quality. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that, based on an extensive theoretical analysis of scientific works, the essential characteristics of innovations in education have been identified. The content of the concepts «technology», «pedagogical technology», «innovation» and «innovative pedagogical technology» has been elucidated. A review of specific innovative pedagogical technologies has been conducted, and their impact on the quality of education has been substantiated. The conducted research allowed for the formulation of conclusions that innovations in education are closely linked to the processes of creating, implementing, and disseminating new ideas and pedagogical technologies in educational practice. This leads to the transition of the educational system to a qualitatively new level of providing educational services. The implementation of innovative technologies is closely connected with the creation of innovative tools in educational institutions for the productive activities of all participants in the educational process. Moreover, the integration of these innovations with traditional teaching methods collectively results in an enhancement of education quality.
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