artistic culture, fine art, primary school teacher, means of fine art.Abstract
The article analyzes the peculiarities of the formation of the artistic culture of future primary school teachers by means of visual arts. The artistic culture of the individual is the carrier of a certain system of social and individual values, which constitute the content of education and are formed under its powerful influence. It is substantiated that fine art reveals the peculiarities of the aesthetic attitude of the individual to the surrounding reality. Among the peculiarities of the formation of artistic culture, the mastery of visual arts is important, which has the ability to develop artistic thinking, visual memory, creative imagination, visual abilities, spatial representations, etc. in future teachers. Accordingly, the mentioned contributes to learning the basics of visual literacy, the formation of skills to use expressive means of painting, graphics, sculpting, decorative and applied arts, etc. It was revealed that the formation of the artistic culture of future primary school teachers is most fully and consistently carried out in the process of studying the educational disciplines of the artistic-aesthetic cycle. The artistic activity of future teachers during the mastery of subjects of the artistic and aesthetic cycle is characterized by the use of various educational tasks of an artistic nature, the use of non-traditional artistic techniques and materials, the use of information and communication technologies in the process of realizing creative achievements, the creation of a creative atmosphere, benevolence and objectivity when evaluating the results of artistic activity, organizing creative competitions, holidays, meetings, exhibitions of practical works, excursions, scientific research when writing scientific works, etc., has an important impact on the development of artistic culture, creativity, and the formation of self-awareness of an individual.
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