psychology of higher education, learning, educational process, higher education, innovative teaching technologies, students, higher education, quality of the educational process, information technology, students, structure of the educational processAbstract
The article presents the argumentation of the relevance of the study of the development of the methodology of higher education psychology as a leading tool for improving the quality of higher education in the context of information technology. To achieve the goal of scientific research – improving the quality of higher education – the basic conceptual and categorical apparatus of higher education psychology is investigated and clarified, the structure of higher education psychology is defined, the influence of clip thinking on higher education psychology is described, psychological means and techniques to reduce the impact of clip thinking on the quality of education are proposed, the specifics of the psychology of motivation of subjects of the higher education system are studied, the psychology of knowledge acquisition and psychological aspects of self-actualization of subjects are investigated, the psychology of higher education is substantiated. According to the results of the express study, the thesis that the lecturer, scientific and pedagogical worker is no longer perceived exclusively as a source of basic knowledge for students, and the diversification of interests of students can be interpreted as a confirmation of the growing importance of the psychological factor in modern higher education, the article shows that information technology has led to a complication of the structure of the psychological system of higher education, which, according to the survey, consists of seven elements: assimilation. The article reveals modern methodological techniques and technologies of teaching psychology in higher education, identifies a number of innovative technologies. The content of modern psychological education in Ukraine should focus on the introduction of information technology, e-learning with access to digital resources, and training of specialists for the future.
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