preschool children, speech development, stories, fairyAbstract
The article substantiates the relevance of using Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi linguistic heritage in the development of children’s speech. The research of scientists on the implementation of V. Sukhomlynskyi’s creative ideas in the development of preschool children;s speech is analyzed. Attention is focused on the requirements of a scientist-practitioner to the teacher’s speech. The purpose of the article: to analyze Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi’s views on the influence of the teacher’s creative work on the using stories and fairy tales on the enrichment of children’s vocabulary, their sound culture of speech and to experimentally verify the effectiveness of implementing V. Sukhomlynskyi’s recommendations in the practice of the preschool education establishment. The authors have proven that scientifically based and planned activities of educators using fairy tales and stories by Vasyl Sukhomlynsky as a means of educating children contribute to linguistic development and education of the sound culture of preschool children’s speech. The literary works of the educator are highlighted, which are accessible for perception, understanding, and retelling by preschool children. Scientific exploration was carried out using theoretical methods: analysis and synthesis of pedagogical research on the outlined problem; empirical: conversations with pedagogical workers and children of preschool educational institutions; questionnaires of correspondence students who work as educators of older preschool children; pedagogical experiment, which provided for conducting its ascertaining, formative and control stages, to determine the level of vocabulary and sound culture of speech of preschoolers; mathematical methods for processing and interpreting the results of the study. The perspective of further research is outlined, which consists in developing methodological recommendations for educators of preschool educational institutions on the using the literary heritage of Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi in order to develop children’s speech.
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